Portumna Community School requires that all students wear the full and correct school uniform.
When students wear the school uniform they are ambassadors for the school in the community. As such, they should take pride in their appearance and be aware of upholding the valued traditions which they represent. Wearing the school uniform helps to further enhance a sense of community, identity and also promotes respect for self and peers. The uniform also aligns with our vision statement of our school.
Full school uniform must also be worn by students on school outings or when representing the school or supporting school teams.
All uniform items are available from approved stockists.

Hunter Knitwear Style: SCKNH
Colour: Navy / sunshine Crested with school crest
Available from approved stockists
Optional (Varsity Blazer Colour: Navy)
Crested with school crest
White shirt or white blouse
Polo shirts not permitted
Navy tie with teal/ gold and brown stripe
School Jacket
Compulsory for 1st years 2023/2024 (if already have purchased or have an O’Neill’s jacket in the family this can be worn)
Optional for all other years
Style: Hybrid Hunter Padded Jacket Crested with school crest
Colour: Navy
Hunter skirt Style: HMCS
Colour: Blue/ Grey/ Silver
Casablanca Girls Lily school trousers Grey/ turquoise (pinstripe)
Mild grey boys school trousers (e.g. Virginian or Whites or Banner or similar)
Tights / Socks
Navy or Black