Creative Schools
Since 2022, Portuma Community School has been participating in Creative Schools, an initiative led by the Arts Council. This programme supports schools to put the arts and creativity at the heart of young people’s lives. It provides opportunities for young people to build their artistic and creative skills; to communicate, collaborate, stimulate their imaginations, be inventive, and to harness their curiosity. It empowers young people to develop, implement and evaluate arts and creative activity throughout their schools/centres and stimulate additional ways of working that reinforce the impact of creativity on young people’s learning, development and well-being.
Over the last year, students have taken part in lots of exciting projects including Feast Ireland, a mosaic glass workshop, creative writing, a costume design workshop and dance classes. Next year we will embark on an exciting street art project and will get the opportunity to work in collaboration with artist Shane O’Malley.
Junk Kouture
Junk Kouture is a country wide competition open to Secondary School students where they get the opportunity to design construct and model their own creations, all made from recycled, once used materials.
Junk Kouture is part of our Transition Year program. Students spend time during Art class and after school designing and creating their wearable pieces of Art under the guidance and support of the Art Teacher. It is a fantastic opportunity for students to work collaboratively or independently, exercising their creativity, practicing their problem-solving skills and improving their aptitude for 3D modeling.